If I imagine jagex, there's a hint of OSRS gold a mixed meaning. They definitely accept alcohol use. I've seen some runescape references to drugs. Canafis is one example. It is very near cannabis. The salesperson for the warriors guide potion seems to be a fan of tie dying, even when she's relaxed. Tie dye is often associated with hippies. But hippies also are known for using a variety of chemicals.
The sleeping troll is also mushroom. It's been said that trolls are named after the first food they eat. Jagex is an acrobat as we know from experience. Jagex has names such as Pee Hat, My Arm and Dad. Could mushrooms be another possibility? Many people stereotype druggies as lazy. For as long as I can recall mushrooms have been asleep. It's likely that most of us are aware there are a few psychedelic mushroom available. Could that be jagex silently telling us towards their acceptance of thing?
I'd like to be clear on what I mean by drugs before anyone posts. Any substance that can alter the normal bodily functions is what I mean. This includes the more powerful drugs like heroin and methamphetamines. But it also includes the soft drugs like marijuana or caffeine. You can make use of any substance that can give you an edge in your game.
If you don't stand up and speak out, you can argue about weather. So enough writing for me. What do you think? Keep the discussion as focused on runescape (as feasible). It shouldn't be a cause for argument. Open-mindedness towards other views is an attribute.
There are many reasons to play runescape, but the main reason I think is to immerse myself in the world. You can use this game to tell stories or to escape reality. In the real world, there's no narrative. You are just another person who has a role. In runescape, your character is an integral part of the story. You are, for example, just you in the real world. Runescape lets you tell a a story about cheap RuneScape gold yourself, first he was born in year 2006.
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